Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rebuttal of “McCain’s Baked Alaska”

This is a rebuttal to “McCain’s Baked Alaska,” as it appears on the New York Times website here: New York Times

Paragraph 2: Obama has commanded which states National Guard? He couldn’t even face wounded soldiers at Ramstein AFB in Germany.

Paragraph 3: You acknowledge that there is a resurgent Russian menace, I’d bet that Gov. Palin knows more about it than Barak Obama.

Paragraph 5: Reagan was a great leader. Commander of California’s National Guard before being elected President. I’m 34, the only thing I remember about his presidency was how much disdain my public school teachers had for him. The mention of Ferraro and Clinton were gracious and also a blatant grab at disaffected feminists. Good point on that one.

Paragraph 9: Imagine how men feel about Obama, an equally inexperienced man, who we are supposed to vote for because he has an attractive wife and family? It’s not fair that he is so slim and handsome, he makes be think of all my inadequacies (Do these pants make me look fat? Honestly now). In this modern era I am outraged, OUTRAGED!

“This year, Hillary Clinton took things to a whole new level. She didn’t run for president as a symbol but as the best-prepared candidate in the Democratic pack. Whether you liked her or not, she convinced the nation that women could be qualified to both run the country and be commander in chief. That was an enormous breakthrough, and Palin’s nomination feels, in comparison, like a step back.”

Being married to the Commander of the Arkansas National Guard really makes you qualified. And if the one answering the phone at 3:00 a.m. during the Lewinsky Affair isn’t qualified to be Commander in Chief, I don’t who is. Perhaps it was her allegation of the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.” Maybe it was the Success of the Great ‘93 “Hillary Care” campaign. Losing the 08 Campaign that was a sure thing to a man whose wife has no National Guard Commanding experience must have really put her over the top. Nothing symbolic about Hillary in a pant suit (Really, about the pants thing, I want your really sincere, most honest opinion.)

“If she’s only on the ticket to try to get disaffected Clinton supporters to cross over, it’s a bad choice. Joe Biden may already be practicing his drop-dead line for the vice-presidential debate: ‘I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a friend of mine, and governor, you’re no Hillary Clinton.’ “

Thank God she’s not. (Go ahead, tell the truth, I won’t cry.)

(sniff, sniff)

Palin Pick Reveals Sexism Alive and Well

When I heard McCain’s pick the only thing I knew of Palin was that she was suing the feds over the polar bear issue. That in itself spoke highly of her in my mind. People who demagogue environmental issues likely don’t know much about the real world. In the environmental world, Polar bears are cute and cuddly and are on the brink of extinction because Al Gore says that the polar caps are melting and polar bears will just be the first species of a massive global extinction. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! People who live in the real world know that we are all going to die and that it is a part of living. While we are here among the living we would like to focus on enjoying life, that includes not getting eaten by a Polar Bear. Yes, little Timmy, Polar Bears eat people when they can. Protecting un-endangered Polar Bears has real world consequences. Jobs are lost, millions are spent, people take second place to animals who, as I understand it, are thriving.

The more I learned of Palin, the more I came to admire her. She’s the mother of Five, that’s quite an accomplishment in it’s self, when they were all conceived with her husband it is. She’s got real world experience that Obama can’t dream to match and wouldn’t desire to. Tell me, has Obama ever done anything real in his life. Academic, Community Organizer, Legislator, Senator. Explain to me how any of that is real world experience. Out here in the Real World people have jobs and earn a living. John McCain is a creature of the real world. A son of privilege he didn’t avoid the dirtiest job in the world, that of warrior. Not an incidental, happened to be there warrior, one who was true to his brothers in arms under the most atrocious circumstances. Barry O may be just as true a warrior, but we will never know because Barry O would never deign to join the real world and actually take it upon himself to do anything. He certainly wouldn’t be working the rail of a commercial fishing vessel.

Palin fought corruption, Barry O pals around with corruption, terrorists, bigots, etc. If Palin were the known associate of Rezko, Ayers, Wright or individuals like them, I wouldn’t support her either. Is that guilt by association? No, it is an example of extremely poor judgment. Executives must exercise good judgment, if you have good judgment you can surround yourself with people who have the expertise to help you make informed decisions. There is no person in the world who possesses the experience of being the leader of the free world, except the very short list of former U.S. Presidents. How did they handle the job? By choosing a cabinet that reflected their world view like every other U.S. President in history. Judgment is key, experience reveals judgment. Every body makes mistakes, how do you handle them when you do? Barry O is resistant to even acknowledging he made a mistake, (Can you say Obama-Clinton 08?), he dodges anything that resembles controversy. How many times did he vote “Present?”

So the more I know of Sarah Palin the more I like her, this morning there are people all over the political spectrum fit to be tied that she’s a woman. Yes a woman, go ask your mom, Timmy, she’ll explain what a woman is.

If you haven’t picked up on it, I don’t like Barry O. You haven’t heard me here, or any where else mention that he is a person of color. Notice I didn’t say of a different race? Race is a social construct, gender is a natural construct, again, ask your mom, Timmy. Color is irrelevant, it doesn’t determine a person’s judgment, therefore it shouldn’t be used to judge another person.

Women are different than Men, feminists are fit to be tied about that, but those of us in the real world understand there are differences and we deeply appreciate that there are. I hope Timmy stopped reading before I said that. Women perceived things differently, react differently, love differently, but they are not inferior to men. There are jobs that women are ill suited to, but being an executive is not one of them. If you don’t believe a woman can exercise good judgment you need to go talk to your mother.

If you take a controversial stand, you had better be prepared to defend your position in an intelligent way, I’ve yet to hear Sarah Palin say, “That’s above my pay grade.” On that alone she is more qualified to be president than Barak Obama.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Server is too Busy

John McCain's site is so overwhelmed with traffic that it can't keep up and who's talking of Obama's Convention today? This is awesome. I'm really quite pleased, it if you couldn't tell.

Palin, Palin, Palin

Blogs are popping all around the blogosphere. I’m happy to say that today it became absolutely certain that I will vote for the McCain-Palin ticket come November. Palin is articulate, clearly conservative, and as genuine as anyone in politics. If she were the Presidential Nominee I would vote for her. McCain is a man I deeply respect even though there are issues on which I disagree with him. Palin is a nominee much closer to my way of thinking and I can’t wait to vote for her beside John McCain.

A note of interest, people were not chanting her name when she was announced as the VP candidate, they were chanting, "U-S-A! U-S-A!" and I don't think Sarah would have it any other way.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

8/27/08 Musings

Life and love are both wonderful swirls of warmth and anguish, expectation and want. With out valleys the sun kissed peaks of our existence are with out significance. Where are you now? Do you expect to stay there long? If you are yearning for a better day, what are you doing to achieve it? If you are strolling the sun dappled path to a brighter place, enjoy it. If you are dancing at the summit of exultation, invite some one to share it with you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Assassination Has No Place In American Politics

I don’t care for Barak Obama’s politics. I don’t like the kind of political rhetoric that he uses, he annoys me to no end. However if these goons were trying to assassinate him, I hope they get hung out to dry. In one of my earlier posts I mentioned revolution, but I don’t advocate violence and violence has no place in American politics. Zero. Barry-O is not qualified to be President but the American electorate gets to decide that. Not some thug with a gun.