Saturday, January 26, 2008

When Rush Was Relevant

When Rush Limbaugh became a national sensation he was known as a Right Wing Populist, a man who believed that America’s greatness resided in it’s people not it’s Political leaders. Reagan recognized this, most individual’s with an ( R ) after their name realize this, it’s sad to think that somewhere along the line the All Knowing, All Caring, All Everything Maha Rushie has forgotten it.
“On the edge of societal evolution,” is different from just being sharp tongued toward those with whom you disagree. Now he suffers from a deafness induced by the “Rush Echo Syndrome.” Lately it seems only those who either can not articulate an opposing view or absolutely agree with the host are the ones who get air time with Rush. Is it because Rush knows that he is in an untenable stance that is destructive to the Nation? Is he truly deluded or is he just stubborn? We know that the duty of the caller is to “Make the host look good,” (For those of you in Rio Linda, Rush is the Host, you are the caller) perhaps Rush is not well served by this set up. We know that Rush is conservative, more importantly Rush knows he is conservative, he likes to say it and we like to hear him say it, it’s rather entertaining to hear him say it, if you never have listened to him you should give it a try. I advise that you wait until the Primary season is over and the man behind the Golden EIB microphone has returned to some level of sanity.
I submit proof of his rubber room credentials, his recent assertions that the Maverick John McCain and the Huckster are not conservative, “I don’t care what you call them just don’t call them conservative.” His callers do their duty by filling the blanks, they are liberals, John McCain was endorsed by the NY Times, ENDORSED BY THE NEW YORK TIMES, that way if Hillary wins or if she loses to McCain they still get what they want, a Liberal in the White House. Perhaps I’m the one losing my mind but I don’t hear of men and women in the U.S. Military sounding a clarion call of overwhelming support for the Clintons. In an uncommonly cogent moment Gov. Romney said, “I don’t think the American People want Bill in the White House with nothing to do.” He of course immediately backed off of what he had said, but it is true that our daughters and grand daughters now know that Oral Sex is not sex and that you would never name your daughter Monica because that is now the name of the afore mentioned non-sex act. I believe that the interns and innocent ears around the world would be safe if the Huckster were elected. Big enough differences to allow me, a poor ignorant soul to be able to vote for either of these men if they were the Republican Nominee.
If Rush succeeds in his mission to demoralize the base, Hillary will sit in the White House in 2009. If he can fracture the base well enough along Religious, Economic, or Defense lines then there will be no party to stand against Hillary. Maybe Rush just wants a chance to speak as often as he did in second Clinton term of cigars in the Oral Office or perhaps another orifice.
Rush, we pray for you to have you hearing restored, figuratively and physically, but please, please don’t be hasty to destroy our conservative house. The big tent of Conservatism is big enough for the entire nation, Reagan knew this and we miss him, there will likely not be a leader of his caliber in our life times. But let’s not forsake the good and the admirable for the Reaganesque ideal of conservative perfection. We miss when you were relevant, when you spoke for us more often than you did against us.


Kick out the bums! said...

There is a litany of lies that Rush has repeated about Mike Huckabee.

It seems Rush has never gotten over Ed Rollins remark that he was a part of the beltway crowd.

Fortunately, many of his listeners are ignoring him on this.

Tony Silva said...

Rush is betraying his loyalties to the Clintons. Whether he agrees with their politics or not, he clearly intends to help them win if his actions are anything to go on.

Cases in point -- he is pusing two candidates, Rudy and Mitt that no social conservative can support in good conscience. Like the playground bully, he insists if he doesn't get his way, he'll vote for Hillary. He'll take as many of his 20 million lemmings with him as he can.

Either way, Rush is doing his level best to ensure HillBillary gets in.

I stopped listening to him last week, and found listening to the coffepot gurgle much more informative....