Thursday, September 4, 2008

Obama is Risk Adverse

During the early years of the Civil War Lincoln was greatly frustrated by a series of Union Commanders who were risk adverse. They risked nothing and they gained nothing but a brutal exchange of casualties between the Union Army of the Potomac and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Finally he turned to a natural leader named Grant whose greatest insight on military tactics was that the enemy was just as frightened of you as you are of him.

When Grant was given command of the Army of the Potomac the war ground to it’s inevitable conclusion. Because Grant was brilliant? Yes, but so were the Generals before him. The difference was that Grant understood the situation and he took the fight to the enemy, making blunders, but never retreating from imaginary peril, not overly timid.

Obama’s present to the Republican Party was his pick of Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s biggest selling point as a V.P. pick was that he was the “Safe” pick. The choice that could do no harm. John McCain saw an opportunity to take a risk on a little known Governor from Alaska. And the rest is historically consistent with leaders who are risk adverse.

From now until November Obama will continue to play it safe and McCain is going to win this war of attrition.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

General Impressions of the RNC Day One (Two)

I thought that the theme of the first night of speeches was well done. I enjoyed Fred Thompson's speech where he displayed his missing fire. I even enjoyed watching Lieberman. The McCains and Bushes came across very well. I wait with great anticipation for things to shift to the Palin show tonight.

I was at my brother's house when that odious gal was grilling the McCain aid. The McCain aid shouldn't have been addressing Sarah Palin's experience, but I'd love to see the same gal go after Newt, or for that matter Sarah. I think CNN would have canceled it's interviews with the McCain Campain after that exchange.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This is War!

I am deeply angered by the MSM attacking Sarah Palin over her daughters pregnancy. “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Remember that this may be a contested election but it is not “war,” both sides would do well to remember this. If you are angry, if you are passionate, use it wisely.

This video is of a U.S. Soldier being shot in the chest. He is a U.S. Medic. He survives thanks to his body armor. The shooter was wounded in the ensuing firefight. Guess who treated his wounds?

Ugly things happen in war. Ugly things happen in politics but in U.S. politics, people don’t shout praises to their deity as they pump hot lead into your body.

Ask yourself this question, do you view Hurricane Gustav as a tragedy or an opportunity to paint your political opponents in a poor light. Do you feel the same about War? If you don’t like your answers you need to re-evaluate what you are doing with your life.

Political discussion is the air that democracy breathes. Long live debate, long live passionately held views.

During Hurricane Katrina the Interstates were clogged, people were running out of fuel and becoming stranded in the storms path. A woman driving along saw another SUV with a family very similar to her own. She began to ease over onto the shoulder to see if she could render some aid. When she got close to the stranded vehicle she noticed a sticker from the 2004 election on the SUV. She was so enraged by it that she left the family stranded there. Sound farfetched? I only know of it because she was proud enough of her actions to post it on a popular political site. The controversy caused that site to pull the original post and the thousands of positive responses as well.

If this is a war, which kind of soldier do you want to be? One who shouts in exaltation as he tries to kill his neighbor, or one who disagrees yet still treats them as human.

Could we all agree to tone down the “War Room,” “Shell Shocked,” “In the Trenches,” “Bunker,” mentality and realize this is an election and after November America will survive and you’ll still disagree with your neighbor about politics. In the mean time if you must be a political “Warrior,” why not try to be like the soldier in the video above, who treated the wounds of the man who shot him.

Monday, September 1, 2008

This Is Politics, Not War

I’m a person with passionately held political views. I don’t deny that and I do not intend to change it either. However, I think that some people are kind of confused about the distinction between Politics and War.

This video is of a U.S. Soldier being shot in the chest. He is a U.S. Medic. He survives thanks to his body armor. The shooter was wounded in the ensuing firefight. Guess who treated his wounds?

Ugly things happen in war. Ugly things happen in politics but in U.S. politics, people don’t shout praises to their deity as they pump hot lead into your body.

Ask yourself this question, do you view Hurricane Gustav as a tragedy or an opportunity to paint your political opponents in a poor light. Do you feel the same about War? If you don’t like your answers you need to re-evaluate what you are doing with your life.

Political discussion is the air that democracy breathes. Long live debate, long live passionately held views.

During Hurricane Katrina the Interstates were clogged, people were running out of fuel and becoming stranded in the storm's path. A woman driving along saw another SUV with a family very similar to her own. She began to ease over onto the shoulder to see if she could render some aid. When she got close to the stranded vehicle she noticed a sticker from the 2004 election on the SUV. She was so enraged by it that she left the family stranded there. Sound farfetched? I only know of it because she was proud enough of her actions to post it on a popular political site. The controversy caused that site to pull the original post and the hundreds of positive responses as well.

If this is a war, which kind of soldier do you want to be? One who shouts in exaltation as he tries to kill his neighbor, or one who disagrees yet still treats them as human.

Could we all agree to tone down the “War Room,” “Shell Shocked,” “In the Trenches,” “Bunker,” mentality and realize this is an election and after November America will survive and you’ll still disagree with your neighbor about politics. In the mean time if you must be a political “Warrior,” why not try to be like the soldier in the video above, who treated the wounds of the man who shot him.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bitter Clinger Votes for Palin to be Heartbeat from the Presidency

I wasn’t sure I was going to vote for McCain until Friday Morning. I respect him, but if he had picked a squishy Republican or a Conservative Democrat, I wouldn’t have voted for him. I don’t want a squishy Republican being the presumptive front runner in four or eight years. I sure don’t want a Democrat to go along with Pelosi and Reed.

Sarah Palin is the kind of person a bitter clinger like me would campaign for. I read on a blog that McCain wants Forbes to be in his cabinet. “Fairtax,” may be a dirty word on the left, but people who want change kind of like it. It’s an “F” word we can rally around.

Enough’s been said about her experience to last a lifetime. The fact that the Republican ticket doesn’t include a lawyer is actually a big plus out here in the sticks. Harping on how unqualified real people are to being elected to high office ain’t helping the Democrat party with typical white people like me.

The fact that Palin is a Woman is supposed to put me off because McCain is pandering to the fact that as a man I like women. This is a problem to you on the left? Men like women. Let me check with my wife…
She likes men. Wow. Is she supposed to vote for Obama because he’s handsome? I won’t. He makes me feel fat in a pair of jeans.

Actually, I hope people don’t think that I want McCain to die, May he live long and prosper, (Just thought I’d throw that reference to high culture in there, so you wouldn’t think I’m ignorant) but Palin isn’t such a bad choice to make sure he’s still breathing. I will note that I don’t want Obama to croak either. Seems a lot of people want McCain to die though.