Thursday, November 13, 2008


My county tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.

Second only to Life, Jefferson listed liberty as one of the aims of American Independence, and yes, a God given right. Liberty is to the human spirit what air is to the human body. We inhale it’s fragrance and revel in it’s power.

As a child I learned of the horrors of communism, we were told that in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics people were tested as children and assigned to a job in which they would serve the republic. A drudgery relieved only by death or disablement. Perhaps my juvenile way of understanding magnified this terror but to believe that Government would chart your life from cradle to the grave seemed an abomination to all that I hold dear.

Our liberties in America are bounded by our government and we are free to change our Government and laws as we see fit. If a portion of our Constitution becomes onerous we have the means to change it as well. If we become dissatisfied with our station in life we are free to change it. If we dislike the weather we are free to seek a better climate.

Liberty is an awesome responsibility because it makes us all individually accountable for our actions. We are free to press to the pinnacle of success and we should be free to fall in the chasm of abysmal failure.

We are free to speak our mind, but with that freedom comes the power to impede the freedom of others. You are free to express yourself, but it is incumbent upon each of us to refrain from shouting down or stifling some one else’s free speech.

When I witness anyone stepping on another’s freedom of speech it screams louder than words that they do not believe in the superiority of their position. If your logic is unassailable then you allow your enemies to dash themselves upon the ramparts. The free exchange of ideals can only work absent physical or emotional intimidation. A majority achieved does not imply superiority and the lone voice of dissent may just be the only voice present with the solution to our problems.

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